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Latest Update: July 9th, 2024.


Whenever I finish a new painting or something newsworthy occurs, I'll update this page.   




Summer is here and things are heating up inside and outside the studio! 

- New work in progress - nearing completion. When finished it will be loaded to the "Deleted Scenes from an Unmade Movie" gallery. 

"Moondance, #4, Deleted Scenes From An Unmade Movie", acrylic on canvas, 36" x 36", 2024.

This painting depicts a moonlit view of Cultus Lake, with an iconic older home along

the lakeshore located between Entrance Bay and Sunnyside. I've been wanting to put this unique cantilevered house in a painting for a number of years

and now I'm finally getting to it.  A few final tweaks and this piece is done. This painting was inspired by one of my midnight walks

along the lake. I love the night light. 


- Check out the News Page to read about the Anonymous Art Show that I took part in, and to see the 3 pieces I entered.

   I would have mentioned it sooner - but it was anonymous, ha ha! The three little paintings have also been loaded to two

   galleries Landscapes 2018-24 and Plant and Animal Worlds 1999-2024.


- Just finished the latest sculpture in the - "Fern Figure Sculpture Series" .